Yukon Ford D60 35 Spline 4340 Chromoly Stub Shaft, 11.375

Yukon Ford D60 35 Spline 4340 Chromoly Stub Shaft, 11.375"

35 Spline upgrade kit for GM/Dodge internal hub Dana 60, Yukon hardcore locking hubs, (2) Yukon 4340 chromoly stub shafts and (2) Spicer non-greasable u-joints

35 Spline upgrade kit for GM/Dodge internal hub Dana 60, Yukon hardcore locking hubs, (2) Yukon 4340 chromoly stub shafts and (2) Spicer non-greasable u-joints

Yukon D60 Super Joints, Pair, with Full Circle Snap Rings and Grease Gun

Yukon D60 Super Joints, Pair, with Full Circle Snap Rings and Grease Gun
YP SJ-733X-733
Estimate Fees

Yukon D60 Super Joints, Pair, with Full Circle Snap Rings and Grease Gun